Using reg command we can add registry key from command line. Below you can find some examples for the same.
Clion License Key. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Raw download clone embed print report. Product: Clion UserName: Clit Commander LICENSE BEGIN 4861-D22955T 00002DiSFlsJiGgt!ulq'LdDQUG'mU. Alternatively, a quick.reg command in a startup could reset the registry key every time PC starts. Here is a more comprehensive explanation of how to change permissions on a registry Key. Open the Registry Editor, and navigate to the key you want to protect. You can’t protect individual values, but rather only the keys that contain them.
Add a new registry value:
The command for adding new registry value is given below.
A 'registry key' is the equivalent of a file-system path into the registry. Each key may contain 'subkeys' (keys nested within keys) and 'values' (named and typed attributes attached to a key). These are used on Windows to store settings in much the same way that directories containing configuration files would work. Alternatively, with the registry key highlighted, in the menu bar, click Edit and select New. As the picture shows, the New menu provides a list of registry values that can be added. For this example, we are adding a new String Value. After selecting the registry value, you'll be prompted for a new name for the value. By default, registry keys and values created by Setup are not deleted at uninstall time. If you want the uninstaller to delete keys or values, you must include one of the uninsdelete. flags described below. The following is an example of a Registry section.

Regkey – Path of the node where the new registry value should be added.
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RegValue : Name of the registry value that should be added
/t: Type of the registry value (REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY)
Add a new registry value ‘userpath’ of type REG_EXPAND_SZ under the node ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USEREnvironment’. Assign the value ‘C:Windows’ to this new registry value.

Add a new registry key
The command for adding new registry key is given below.
Reg Add Regkey
Clion Registry Key Finder
Add a new registry key ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareNewregkey’.
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